One Year in Bocas del Toro, Panama

A Memoir by Leona Stoker

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Trigger warning: intimate partner abuse, violence, sexual assault, self harm, suicidality, sexual content, drug use, profanity.



This memoir received the GENRE AWARD from THE WRITERS FORUM, 'Book of the Year Awards' in 2023!

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The Author's Voice | Leona Stoker
by Donnie Lansdale
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All Rhymes; No Reason

A collection of poems from 2013-2018. A collection of lust, lunacy and Leona's legacy. Rhymes written on wine and in the sight of the Divine. By the Ocean, under the spell of potions and commotions.

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All Rhymes; No Reason

About The Author

I've been writing for several years and always hoped to publish one day. I made that first huge leap with my memoir (of one year) - SHITHOLE PARADISE. Next was my first published collection of poetry/rhymes - All Rhymes; No Reason. Both were self-published with Kindle Direct. Currently, I’m a support worker for survivors of gender-based violence and an advocate for all vulnerable populations. I’m also pursuing my Masters of counselling in psychology.

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