Allison Ryan

July 10, 2022

A dark love story and a warning about narcissists and sociopaths This story really moved me with it's outright 100% honesty about how a normal person can get sucked into a sociopath's (and narcissist) clutches and the repercussions that has on body, mind and soul. Despite the seeming paradise type location, the dark underbelly of any tourist destination is also exposed here, from the viewpoint of those who work for the service industry and live among island community as a foreign outsider and most of all, as a female (and how dangerous this can be). Very raw and real, this book didn't tell a tale of the fantastical but rather one of the very real hazards of love, mental health problems an abusive relationship can catalyze and consumption problems. Highly suggested read for anyone dealing with a narcissist or sociopath in their life.

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Marcia Vidal

March 31, 2023

Direct message
Leona's story vividly demonstrates the damage drugs, alcohol, turbulent relationships, and disappointment can do. Her portrayal of her tumultuous relationship with a sociopathic narcissist is gripping and affecting. Through her journey of self-discovery, the reader can sense the challenges she faces and the strength she must overcome them.

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January 5, 2023

Very interesting true to life story that was well told. It was a very easy book to read and extremely well written.

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July 28, 2022

A resilient woman's journey into darkness
A tale of unforeseen love that takes the reader into the excitement of a paradisiacal island unto the depth of human wickedness. This is a story for all women and men alike, old and young. The reader journeys with the author into a most profound and personal account of emotional and physical abuse. It will leave you feeling as resilient and hopeful as the author herself. The narrative of domestic abuse is one in which we can all relate to on one level or another. Highly recommended for all who wish to learn more about the psychological details of the mind of a narcissist.

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Amazon Customer

November 21, 2022

It's my Paradise
I bought the book because I figured out who the author was right away and because I live in Bocas Del Toro. It became a fun game to figure out who each person was and to identify the places referred to in the book..

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May 19, 2022

If you are into soft porn soap operas with a dysfunctional cast, all bathed helter-skelter in drugs and booze, this might be just the book for you. I would have given this book one star, but I can see where it might appeal to a certain crowd of which I'm not a part. I purchased this book out of curiosity because I happen to live in Bocas del Toro, Panama. I have never met the author or any of her characters that I am aware of, although I was here during the time frame. After reading this book, I don't think I like her at all. It is, perhaps, the most depressing, tawdry, immoral literary attempt I have ever read. While the author does seem to have good spelling and punctuation skills, the angry, agonizingly long rants, the agonizing, pointless cut & paste of angry drug & alcohol fueled social media chats are pointless, rambling and incredibly boring. The repetition throughout can drive one insane. The best thing about it is that it ends. I'd rather read about paint drying.

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Nzube Chizoba Okeke

February 15, 2023

Shithole Paradise covers a one-year record, though hazy, of Leona Stoker's affliction in her messy relationship with a narcissist boyfriend amidst the vices of Bocas del Toro — a Caribbean island off the coast of Panama. The memoir started with a free soul, Leona, coursing through high waves, rocking parties, drinking, and doing drugs. These escapades were with her boyfriend, Maverick. But Maverick became Leona's nightmare. Afflicted with a sad background worsened by drugs, alcohol, and his lust for women, he grew up to be a bane to people in his life. Nobody suffered the aftereffects more than Leona, who had to hold his toxins in her mouth: bearing with his aggression, cheating, and unprovoked wickedness. Leona bore the shithole with Maverick while hoping for paradise amidst domestic abuse, rape, and societal indifference. Did she eventually find paradise? Beyond the fantastical storytelling, the book features an in-depth perspective of what dealing with a sociopath and narcissist can be like. By analyzing the personality disorder and giving a firsthand record of this predicament, Leona Stoker's Shithole Paradise can guide people in a similar situation. Women yet to find the will to look the devil in the eyes will find the courage to break out of the chains to which sociopaths and narcissists have subjected them. I have seen firsthand how this demon can destroy people and send folks to their early graves. My late cousin wasn't lucky; she died at the hands of a sociopath. Another plaudit for this book would be that the author focused more on the problem than the person. The author put all her emotions in check to develop a narrative that would be objectively helpful to readers. It would have been easy to play the victim's card and make it look like narcissists and sociopaths were entirely to blame in these scenarios. I liked that the author took responsibility for the instances she could have done better. However, there was a tingling aspect of this book. Some parts of the narrative felt jumbled up. I suspected the author had a lot to share but needed more space to share them. It would have helped if she had increased the page count to enable her to express herself and share details clearly. Another option would have been to break the book into a series with two or three installments. There were many grammatical errors in Shithole Paradise. Though they were not distracting, the number was significant. Due to the number of errors and the tingling aspect of the narrative, I'd rate it 3 out of 5 stars. If you are looking for how to break away from narcissists/sociopaths or trying to heal from the effects of your encounter with them, this book is for you. You will find Leona Stoker's memoir quite helpful.

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Innocent Miracle

June 2, 2023

First I'd say, your extreme honesty is like I never seen. The book was both revealing, educating, and entertaining. For me there were moments of laughs. The email exchange between you and M.A.V’s step dad made me laugh. His replies especially. Then I cried at two instances. First: when you told about the attack. The loss of your laptop, and how you told the story there showed how you really needed the laptop that was broken. At that point I felt I was right there; grieving this lost because I understand how helpless it could have possibly been; because I have found myself in a helpless state quite too often in my own journey. The authorities were not helpful, and that also mirrored my own society. And it made me reassert my beliefs that there is no justice for the weak/poor. It seems to be a universal thing. Then when you talked about Your mother how she came through. I really felt you dedicated a chapter for her. You described her with words that made me think of my own mother that instant and I was emotional. And a tear dropped. Mothers can really go out of their way to make sure their babies are okay. And they age or the position their children has attained doesn't even matter to them. Overall, it was a sad experience and I'm glad you are fine. And God brought you, your Miracle and it came at the needed time. I have learnt somethings valuable that I must as a matter of fact refrain from. And that is the areas of victim blaming. Without knowing I do this. And reading this book will mark the end of such behaviors. Thank you again. I learned just so much and I will be sharing your book with friends who are willing to read (i.e. if it's okay with you) as narcissism is almost something we can find in every nook in our society but those suffering this abuse don't even know they are. That could be the saddest thing. I'm going to read this book again with the sole intent of seeking for any character of a narcissist that might be lodging somewhere within me. Thank you for the book and for sharing your experience with us. A shithole paradise! Indeed.
(Sent in a private message)


Patricia Chica

September 27, 2023

One of the most honest and viscerally immersive memoirs
Every detail and sensation made me feel like I was there with the author. It's a sexy, immersive, and dark recount of the life of a woman lost in the intoxication of her boyfriend and her lifestyle. The writing is honest and visceral. A must-read.

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Annabell Samuel

October 8, 2023

Focused narrative
The book deserves praise for its focus on the problem rather than the person, as the author remained objective and avoided playing the victim's card. The author could have easily blamed narcissists and sociopaths entirely, but instead took responsibility for her own shortcomings. However, there were some parts of the story that felt disorganized, perhaps due to the author's desire to share too much information in limited space. Increasing the page count or dividing the book into a series could have helped her express herself more clearly.

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February 14, 2024

Honest and Relevant
The name left a lot to my imagination. And true to the name she found herself in the middle if it but showed true resilience and determination to get out of it. The topics touched on is relevant and important to society.

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 Tash Louw

February 16, 2024

This book is an honest and raw account of what the author went through. Her writing is brilliant. She is upfront and her transparency is addictive. I found myself sneaking as much reading time in as I possibly could. I felt every bit a part of the occurrences as the author took me down a path of the dealings of narcissists and their entitlements, the webs they spin and a reality check of what is really important in life. I think this could be portrayed in a film based on the book too!

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Bronwyn Delaney

February 20, 2024

They always say truth is better than fiction and this is what you get with Leona Stoker's bare all true story of her time spent on a Caribbean island. You are told the raw truth of her avant garde use of booze, drugs, being abused, self harming. It's all there, how it was used, what was being used and with who. Her boyfriend, their open relationship and finally her personal fight to finally find the real her. Very good read, written like you were sitting together being told the story of coffee.

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Glenda Cates

March 29, 2024

I had a hard time finishing the book and at times I almost didn’t but I wanted to see what happened to the young girl trying to keep her head above water which I’ve dealt with in the past. I loved the idea of the beach but booze and blow turned me off. I liked knowing the story was set in a beautiful Caribbean Island off the coast of Panama but I didn’t like learning it was one of the largest places to party. The main character Leona is drowning and in the throes of the trauma bond, she is enshrouded by drugs, alcohol, betrayal and abuse as she tries to navigate choppy and uncharted Seas, We find out Leona is accompanied by a sociopathic boyfriend she is derelict and alone. Leona has to find a way to escape if she ever wants to make it out alive.

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About The Author

I've been writing for several years and always hoped to publish one day. I made that first huge leap with my memoir (of one year) - SHITHOLE PARADISE. Next was my first published collection of poetry/rhymes - All Rhymes; No Reason. Both were self-published with Kindle Direct. Currently, I’m a support worker for survivors of gender-based violence and an advocate for all vulnerable populations. I’m also pursuing my Masters of counselling in psychology.

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